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About Us

OptOut Security is an organization created for the purpose of reclaiming privacy and security. We are a small group of passionate individuals attempting to improve communications and operations security.


Our philosophy is that privacy is not about whether you have something to hide; it is the fundamental principle that they shouldn't know whether you are hiding anything at all!

We are not here to bullshit you. We do not play games or semantics; there is no security theater here; there is also no impenetrable, bulletproof device. The only 100% secure, hardened mobile device is one that has been shot 7 times, degaused, and buried 6 ft. under. We do not seek to press a false sense of security. Know your limitations and act accordingly.

Why choose us?

We are affordable and effective. We have years of experience in the InfoSec industry with a strong passion concerted towards individual freedom and privacy protection. We will identify and offer mitigations to address your areas of concern.


We do not disclose client data to any third party. The period which information will be retained is only applicable to physical handsets. The information for handsets will be stored for a period of two weeks (or until any shipping concerns have been addressed). Any client data will be stored locally on a hardened OS with native LUKS disk encryption, coupled with file encryption using a RSA-4096 PGP key.

Provide us as little or as much information as is necessary. None of this has anything to do with pseudo-illegal to illegal activity. We assume your actions have no malicious intent. Innocent until proven guilty is the motto, regardless if the legal system recognizes that today.

“I want to be anonymous. I don’t know how you get involved with uninvolvement,
but I don’t want to be involved. My ambition is to be completely forgotten.”
- Bob Kaufman